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About us

Four people who have been passionate about chocolate established Csokiforras Ltd. in January 2006. The company based its product and service structure around the concept of high quality and reliability chocolate fountains.

The chocolate fountain idea came from England and introduced by Csokiforras Ltd. for the first time in Hungary. The company started its function in strong cooperation with its English partner Giles & Posner.

We provide a unique catering service with its big variety of Chocolate fountain products including special Belgian chocolate which created a new approach of weddings, parties and corporate events.

After a few months of its establishment the company conquered a new era of catering services by introducing its biggest chocolate fountain (120 cm) on the year opening ceremony of the 2006 business year of the Hungarian Tourism joint-stock company. Since then we have been providing these combined fountains with our Special Belgian Chocolate at the majority of the events.

But we haven’t forgotten about those chocolate fans who couldn’t be fulfilled by the sight and aroma of the chocolate. We offer them our range of home fountains particularly the Premier fountains which won the Industrial Award for small electrical appliances in the U.K. in 2006.

We are committed to provide the highest level of excellence, integrity, and performance in dealing with each and every one of our customers. During our 2.5 years experience we added to the success of many hotel and restaurant owners, wedding planners and made many weddings and corporate events unforgettable.
